Persistence: The Key To Securing An LMIA Job

Securing a job in Canada that requires an LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment) can be a challenging process. It often involves multiple rejections, setbacks, and a high level of competition. This is where persistence becomes a crucial factor.

Understanding the LMIA Process

Before we delve into the role of persistence, let’s briefly recap the LMIA process:

  • Job Posting: The employer advertises the position to prove they cannot find a suitable Canadian worker.
  • LMIA Application: If no qualified Canadian is found, the employer applies for an LMIA.
  • Government Assessment: The government assesses if there’s a need for a foreign worker.
  • LMIA Approval or Refusal: If approved, the employer can apply for a work permit for the foreign worker.

The Importance of Persistence

  • Overcoming Rejections: It’s common to face rejections during the LMIA process. Persistence helps you to learn from these setbacks, make necessary adjustments, and reapply.
  • Building Resilience: The LMIA process can be emotionally draining. Persistence helps you develop the mental fortitude to handle challenges and stay motivated.
  • Networking: Building a strong professional network can be time-consuming. Persistence in attending industry events, connecting with professionals, and following up on leads is crucial.
  • Adaptability: The job market is dynamic. Persistence enables you to adapt to changing circumstances, explore new opportunities, and stay competitive.
  • Staying Informed: The immigration landscape is constantly evolving. Persistent efforts to stay updated on LMIA requirements, job market trends, and immigration policies are essential.

Practical Tips for Persistence

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your job search into smaller, achievable goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Develop a Strong Resume and Cover Letter: Invest time in crafting compelling documents that highlight your skills and experience.
  • Practice Effective Job Search Strategies: Utilize online job boards, networking events, and headhunting agencies.
  • Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with people who believe in you and offer encouragement.
  • Continuous Learning: Enhance your skills and knowledge through courses, certifications, or workshops.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with an immigration lawyer or career counselor for expert advice.


Securing an LMIA job is undoubtedly a challenging journey. However, with persistence, determination, and a strategic approach, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep pushing forward, and eventually, your efforts will pay off.