Keeping Track of Your Content: A Guide to Content Statuses

In the whirlwind of content creation, staying organized and informed about the progress of your content is crucial. This is where content status comes in – a system for categorizing and tracking your content at various stages of development. A well-defined content status system streamlines your workflow, ensures deadlines are met, and fosters collaboration amongst content creators.

Understanding Content Statuses: Common Stages

Content typically progresses through several stages, each with its own distinct status label. Here’s a breakdown of some commonly used content statuses:

  • Draft: This is the initial stage where your content idea takes shape. The content is being written, designed, or recorded, but not yet finalized.
  • In Review: The draft content has been completed and is now undergoing review by editors, proofreaders, or subject matter experts. Feedback is incorporated during this stage.
  • Revisions Needed: Based on feedback from reviewers, the content requires modifications and edits.
  • Ready for Approval: The revised content addresses all feedback and is ready for final approval from stakeholders.
  • Approved: The content has been reviewed and officially approved for publication.
  • Scheduled: An approved content piece has been assigned a specific date and time for publication.
  • Published: The content is live and accessible to your target audience on your chosen platform.
  • Archived: Published content that is no longer actively promoted but may be retained for future reference is archived.

Benefits of a Content Status System

  • Enhanced Visibility: A clear content status system provides a snapshot of your content pipeline, allowing everyone involved to see the progress of individual pieces and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Improved Collaboration: By knowing the status of each content piece, team members can collaborate effectively, ensuring timely completion and handoffs between stages.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Content statuses guide the workflow, keeping everyone on the same page and ensuring tasks are completed in the correct order.
  • Efficient Deadline Management: By assigning deadlines to specific content statuses, you can ensure content is published on time and maintain a consistent publishing schedule.

Choosing the Right Content Status System

The ideal content status system depends on your specific needs and team size. Here are some options to consider:

  • Simple Status Labels: For small teams, a basic system with statuses like “Draft,” “In Review,” “Approved,” and “Published” might suffice.
  • Project Management Tools: Many project management tools like Asana or Trello allow you to create custom workflows and assign content statuses to each stage.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Several CMS platforms offer built-in content status functionalities that integrate seamlessly with your content creation process.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Content Statuses

For complex content creation processes, you might consider incorporating additional content statuses, such as:

  • Ideation: This captures the initial brainstorming stage of a content idea.
  • Research: This indicates the content is undergoing research and fact-gathering.
  • Content Design: This applies to content that requires visual elements such as infographics or video editing.
  • Internal Review: This can be a separate stage if internal team members provide feedback before external reviewers.


  • Tailor It to Your Needs: Choose a content status system that reflects your specific workflow and team structure.
  • Communicate Clearly: Ensure everyone involved understands what each content status signifies.
  • Keep It Flexible: Your content status system can evolve over time as your needs change.
  • Automate Where Possible: Many content management systems offer automation features that can streamline the content status update process.

By implementing a well-defined content status system, you’ll gain a clear view of your content pipeline, promote collaboration, and ensure your content creation process runs smoothly, ultimately achieving your content marketing goals.

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